
Can Burning Coffee Really Keep Mosquitoes at Bay? Here’s What Science Says

Are you tired of constantly being attacked by swarms of mosquitoes while enjoying your favorite outdoor activities? You may have heard that burning coffee grounds can repel these pesky insects. But, is there any scientific evidence? Does burning coffee repel mosquitoes? Do mosquitoes hate coffee? Well, the answer may surprise you.

Studies have shown that certain compounds found in coffee can indeed act as a natural mosquito repellent. However, there are certain limitations to this method and it may not be as effective as other commercial mosquito repellents. So, before you go ahead and start burning your morning coffee, let’s take a closer look at what science has to say about this popular DIY mosquito repellent method.

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The Science Behind Mosquito Attraction

Before we delve into the effectiveness of burning coffee as a mosquito repellent, let’s first understand why mosquitoes are attracted to humans in the first place. Female mosquitoes need blood to produce eggs, and they use their sense of smell to locate their prey.

Carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and ammonia are some of the chemicals that humans emit through their skin and breath that attract mosquitoes. In addition to these chemicals, mosquitoes are also attracted to heat and movement, which is why they tend to swarm around people who are active or moving.

Do coffee grounds deter mosquitoes?

We all know the feeling. You are just about to fall asleep, when you hear the small buzzing from an incoming mosquito. No chance to sleep again until you know you are safe…

Earlier we had a post about creative uses for coffee grounds. In this post, we are looking into if there is even another way to use it. So, do coffee grounds deter mosquitoes? Is it true that mosquitoes hate coffee?

We know now why mosquitoes are attracted to humans, let’s take a closer look at how burning coffee can potentially repel them.

Coffee grounds contain certain compounds, such as caffeine and diterpenes, that have been found to have insecticidal properties.

When burned, these compounds are released into the air, creating a smoke that can potentially repel mosquitoes.

Additionally, the heat from the burning coffee may also create a barrier that prevents mosquitoes from landing on or near the source of the smoke.

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Pinterest image of a hiker running from mosquitos, and the text "how to burn coffee grounds for mosquitos repellant"

Coffee grounds contain certain compounds, such as caffeine and diterpenes, that have been found to have insecticidal properties.

When burned, these compounds are released into the air, creating a smoke that can potentially repel mosquitoes. Additionally, the heat from the burning coffee may also create a barrier that prevents mosquitoes from landing on or near the source of the smoke.

How well does coffee deter mosquitoes?

This is not just another coffee fun fact. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of burning coffee as a mosquito repellent can vary depending on various factors, such as the type of coffee used, the amount of coffee burned, and the environmental conditions.

In some cases, burning coffee may not be effective at all, like in really windy weather, and may even attract more mosquitoes if not done properly. So the answer to “does coffee deter mosquitoes” is yes. But with limitations. Let examine a bit more.

Here are some good but different coffee flavors you can enjoy when there are no mosquitoes nearby.

Studies on the Effectiveness of Burning Coffee – Does coffee grounds keep mosquitoes away?

Several studies have been conducted to test the effectiveness of burning coffee as a mosquito repellent.

One study published in the Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association found that burning coffee grounds repelled mosquitoes for up to three hours.

Another study published in the Journal of Insect Science found that coffee chaff, which is the skin that comes off coffee beans during roasting, was more effective at repelling mosquitoes than burning coffee grounds.

Conclusion – do mosquitoes hate coffee or do you need something else to keep them off?

However, both studies concluded that burning coffee was not as effective as commercial mosquito repellents containing DEET. Yeah, we don’t want to use DEET. But no surprise there… Some parts of the year are just bad!

Other Natural Mosquito Repellents

While burning coffee may have some potential as a natural mosquito repellent, there are other natural options that have been found to be more effective. Essential oils such as citronella, lavender, and eucalyptus have been found to have mosquito-repelling properties.

These oils can be used in various forms, such as candles and diffusers, to create a natural barrier against mosquitoes. Another option is to use mosquito-repelling plants, such as lemongrass and marigolds, to create a natural barrier around your home or outdoor area. We have used this several times, especially on the islands here. That keeps them away when you are out walking or on the beach.

Precautions and Safety Measures When Using Burning Coffee as repellant

If you decide to use burning coffee as a mosquito repellent, it is important to take certain precautions and safety measures. First, make sure that the coffee is burned in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling the smoke.

Second, do not leave the burning coffee unattended and make sure to extinguish it properly after use. Third, be aware of the potential fire hazard and keep the burning coffee away from flammable materials.

DIY Burning Coffee Methods and Recipes

If you are convinced that the answer to the question: Does burning coffee repel mosquitoes? is Yes. Then you may want to try using burning coffee as a mosquito repellent. You do not want diseases like Dengue or Zika. So here are some DIY methods and recipes to get you started:

Common Myths and Misconceptions About Mosquito Repellents

There are several myths and misconceptions about mosquito repellents that are important to be aware of. One common myth is that eating garlic or taking vitamin B12 supplements can repel mosquitoes. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Another misconception is that ultrasonic devices, which emit high-frequency sound waves, can repel mosquitoes. However, studies have shown that these devices are ineffective in repelling mosquitoes.

Commercial Mosquito Repellent Products

If you are looking for a more effective mosquito repellent option, there are several commercial products available on the market.

These towels are pretty handy and are a good alternative.

Like I mentioned above, mosquito repellents containing DEET have been found to be the most effective at repelling mosquitoes. I do not like DEET, but sometimes it seems like the only really good option.

Other options include mosquito coils, which release a smoke that repels mosquitoes, and mosquito sprays containing natural ingredients such as citronella.

And here is a guide to the best coffee from Africa.

Conclusion – does burning coffee repel mosquitoes

In conclusion of the matter “does burning coffee repel mosquitoes” we can say: yes, to a certain degree.

Burning coffee may have some potential as a natural mosquito repellent, but it is not as effective as other commercial mosquito repellents. If you decide to use burning coffee as a mosquito repellent, make sure to take the necessary precautions and safety measures.

However, there are other natural options, such as essential oils and mosquito-repelling plants, that have been found to be more effective. Ultimately, the best way to protect yourself from mosquito bites is to use a combination of these methods and to be aware of the potential risks and limitations of each option.


What happens when you burn coffee grounds?

When coffee grounds are burned, they release certain compounds into the air. These compounds may have insecticidal properties and can potentially repel mosquitoes and other pests. However, the effectiveness can vary depending on various factors.

What pests will coffee grounds keep away?

Coffee grounds have been known to deter pests such as mosquitoes, ants, and even slugs. However, their effectiveness as a repellent may vary, and it’s important to note that coffee grounds alone may not provide complete protection against these pests.

How do I keep mosquitoes away at night?

To keep mosquitoes away at night, consider the following measures:
Use mosquito screens on windows and doors to prevent them from entering.
Install bed nets to create a physical barrier while sleeping.
Use mosquito repellents containing DEET or other recommended ingredients on exposed skin.
Avoid leaving standing water around your home, as it can attract mosquitoes to breed.

What are mosquitoes’ worst enemy?

Dragonflies and bats are considered natural predators and enemies of mosquitoes. Dragonflies feed on mosquito larvae in water bodies, while bats prey on adult mosquitoes during their nighttime flights.

What drinks do mosquitoes hate?

Mosquitoes are generally not repelled by specific drinks, but some anecdotal evidence suggests that consuming certain foods or drinks, such as garlic, citrus fruits, or vinegar, may make your blood less attractive to mosquitoes. However, the impact is minimal, and relying solely on dietary choices to repel mosquitoes is not a reliable method of protection.

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