
The History and Science of Instant Coffee: From Invention to Innovation

Instant coffee is a convenient and popular way to enjoy a cup of coffee without the hassle of brewing. But how did it come to be, and what makes it different from regular coffee?

I am not an instant coffee guy. I prefer other brewing methods, like Aeropress or drip coffee. But I know it has its place in the coffee history and on a shelf in the shop. So, in this article, I will explore the history and science of instant coffee, from its invention to its innovation.

And at the end, I have added a simple way to make dalgona coffee.

What is instant coffee? Understanding the Instant Coffee Invention

Instant coffee is a type of coffee that is made from dried coffee extract. The extract is obtained by brewing ground coffee beans, just like regular coffee. However, the water is then removed from the extract, leaving behind a concentrated powder or granules that can be easily dissolved in hot water or milk.

In the process of the instant coffee invention, two methods are found. They are: freeze-drying and spray-drying. Freeze-drying involves freezing the coffee extract and then sublimating the ice crystals under low pressure, resulting in a dry and porous product. Spray drying involves spraying the coffee extract into a stream of hot air, which evaporates the water and forms fine particles.

Is instant coffee freeze-dried?

Instant coffee can be either freeze-dried or spray-dried, depending on the process used by the manufacturer. Freeze-dried instant coffee is generally considered to be of higher quality and flavor than spray-dried instant coffee, as it preserves more of the aroma and volatile compounds of the coffee beans.

However, freeze-drying is also more expensive and time-consuming than spray-drying, which makes it less common in the market.

Who invented instant coffee?

Now, let’s go back to the beginning of the instant coffee invention. The origin of instant coffee is not very clear, as different sources credit different people with the invention. However, some of the earliest records of instant coffee date back to the 18th and 19th centuries.

One of the first patents for a coffee compound was granted in Britain in 1771, although the details of the product are not known. In 1851, an American inventor named John Dring received a patent for a soluble coffee powder that was made by roasting and grinding green coffee beans with egg whites and sugar.

In 1890, a New Zealander named David Strang patented a process for making soluble coffee using hot air. He sold his product under the name Strang’s Coffee. Some sources also credit a French writer and humorist named Alphonse Allais with inventing a soluble coffee tablet in 1881.

However, the first commercially successful instant coffee was developed by a Japanese-American chemist named Satori Kato in 1901. He presented his product at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. Shortly after, an American businessman named George Washington (not to be confused with the president) improved on Kato’s method and launched his own brand of instant coffee in 1910.

Instant coffee vs regular coffee

a cup of instant coffee. The cup is white and someone is pouring hot water into the cup with the coffee powder

Instant coffee and regular coffee have some similarities and differences in terms of their production, composition, taste, health effects, and environmental impact. Let’s have a brief overlook:

Instant coffee and regular coffee are both made from roasted coffee beans, but they differ in how they are processed after roasting. Instant coffee is brewed and then dried into a powder or granules that can be easily dissolved in hot water or milk.

Regular coffee is ground and then steeped or forced under pressure to extract the flavor and caffeine from the beans.

Instant coffee and regular coffee have similar chemical compositions, but instant coffee may have lower levels of some compounds than regular coffee, due to the loss of volatile substances during the drying process.

Instant coffee may also have more additives than regular coffee, depending on the product.

Instant coffee and regular coffee have different tastes, as instant coffee tends to have a more uniform and bland flavor than regular coffee, which reflects the characteristics of the beans and the brewing technique. Instant coffee and regular coffee have similar health effects, as they both contain caffeine and antioxidants that can affect your body and mind.

However, instant coffee may have some advantages or disadvantages over regular coffee in terms of its health effects, such as having less acrylamide or more additives. Instant coffee and regular coffee have different environmental impacts, as instant coffee may have a lower carbon footprint but a lower social impact than regular coffee.v

Is instant coffee stronger?

Instant coffee is not necessarily stronger than regular coffee. The strength of a cup of coffee depends on the amount and type of coffee used, as well as the amount of water or milk added.

Instant coffee is made from brewed coffee that has been dried into a powder or granules that can be easily dissolved in hot water or milk. The amount of instant coffee per cup can vary depending on your personal preference and taste. A general guideline is to use one teaspoon of instant coffee per cup of water or milk. However, you can adjust the amount according to your desired strength and flavor.

Regular coffee is made from ground coffee beans that are steeped in hot water or forced under pressure to extract the flavor and caffeine from the beans. The amount and type of ground coffee per cup can also vary depending on the brewing method and the roast level. For example, espresso is more concentrated and intense than drip coffee, as it uses more finely ground coffee and less water.

Therefore, instant coffee and regular coffee can have different strengths depending on how you make them. However, if you use the same amount and type of coffee and water or milk, instant coffee may have less caffeine than regular coffee, as some of it may be lost during the drying process.

Is instant coffee less acidic?

Instant coffee may be less acidic than regular coffee, depending on the type and quality of the beans, the roasting level, the drying method, and the additives used.

Coffee beans are naturally acidic, as they contain various organic acids such as citric acid, malic acid, acetic acid, and chlorogenic acid. These acids contribute to the flavor and aroma of coffee, but they can also cause stomach irritation or heartburn for some people.

The acidity of coffee beans can change during the roasting process. Lighter roasts tend to have more acidity than darker roasts, as they preserve more of the original acids in the beans. Darker roasts tend to have less acidity than lighter roasts, as they break down some of the acids during the roasting process.

The acidity of brewed coffee can also change during the drying process. Freeze-drying tends to retain more acidity than spray-drying, as it preserves more of the volatile compounds in the coffee extract. Spray drying tends to reduce more acidity than freeze drying, as it exposes the coffee extract to high temperatures and oxidation.

The acidity of instant coffee can also be affected by the additives used in some products. Some instant coffees may contain milk powder, sugar, creamer, flavoring agents, stabilizers, preservatives, or anti-caking agents that can alter the pH level of the final product.

Therefore, instant coffee may be less acidic than regular.

Instant coffee vs ground coffee health

Instant coffee and ground coffee have similar health benefits, as they both contain caffeine and antioxidants that can affect your body and mind. However, instant coffee may have some advantages or disadvantages over ground coffee in terms of its health effects, such as having less acrylamide or more additives.

One advantage of instant coffee is that it may have less acrylamide than ground coffee. Acrylamide is a chemical that is formed when starchy foods are cooked at high temperatures. Acrylamide has been classified as a probable human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Coffee beans are one of the major sources of acrylamide in food. However, instant coffee may have less acrylamide than ground coffee because it is brewed at lower temperatures than ground coffee.

One disadvantage of instant coffee is that it may have more additives than ground coffee. Additives are substances that are added to food to improve their appearance, flavor, shelf life, or nutritional value.

Some of the common additives in instant coffee are milk powder, sugar, creamer, flavoring agents, stabilizers, preservatives, and anti-caking agents. These additives may have negative effects on your health, such as increasing your calorie intake, raising your blood sugar levels, or causing allergic reactions.

To prevent instant coffee from having harmful additives, you should check the label of your instant coffee and choose one that has minimal or natural additives. You can also control the amount and type of additives you use by adding your own milk, sugar, or creamer to your instant coffee.

Instant coffee vs cold brew

Instant coffee and cold brew are both types of coffee that can be enjoyed cold, but they differ in how they are prepared and how they taste.

To make instant coffee, you only need to add hot or cold water or milk to instant coffee powder or granules and stir. Instant coffee is ready to drink in a matter of seconds and does not require any special equipment or filters. Instant coffee has a uniform and bland flavor that may not reflect the characteristics of the coffee beans.

To make cold brew, you need to steep coarsely ground coffee beans in cold water for 12 to 24 hours. The cold water extraction preserves more of the flavor and aroma compounds of the coffee beans, resulting in a smooth and rich brew. Cold brew requires more time and planning than instant coffee and may need a special container or filter to make.

Instant coffee and cold brew have similar caffeine and antioxidant content, as they both use the same source of coffee beans. However, cold brew may have less acidity than instant coffee, as the cold water extraction reduces the amount of acids released from the beans.

Instant coffee and cold brew may appeal to different preferences and occasions. Instant coffee is convenient and easy to make, while cold brew is more flavorful and satisfying. Instant coffee is suitable for a quick caffeine fix, while cold brew is ideal for a refreshing and indulgent drink.

Instant coffee decaf

Instant coffee decaf is a type of instant coffee that has been decaffeinated. Decaffeination is a process that removes most of the caffeine from the coffee beans. Decaffeination can be done by various methods, such as using solvents, water, carbon dioxide, or activated charcoal. Decaffeination can reduce the caffeine content of coffee beans by 97% or more.

Instant coffee decaf is made by decaffeinating brewed coffee and then drying it into a powder or granules that can be easily dissolved in hot water or milk. Instant coffee decaf is similar to regular instant coffee in terms of its production, composition, taste, and environmental impact. However, instant coffee decaf has some advantages and disadvantages over regular instant coffee in terms of its health effects.

One advantage of instant coffee decaf is that it may have fewer side effects than regular instant coffee. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can have various effects on your body and mind, such as increasing your alertness, energy, mood, and metabolism. However, caffeine can also cause some side effects, such as insomnia, anxiety, jitteriness, headaches, or heart palpitations. Instant coffee decaf may help you avoid or reduce these side effects by lowering your caffeine intake.

One disadvantage of instant coffee decaf is that it may have fewer benefits than regular instant coffee. Caffeine is not only a stimulant but also an antioxidant that can have various benefits for your health, such as protecting your cells from damage, reducing inflammation, preventing diabetes, and enhancing your cognitive function. Instant coffee decaf may lose some of these benefits by removing most of the caffeine from the coffee beans.

Therefore, instant coffee decaf may be a good option for you if you are sensitive to caffeine or want to limit your caffeine consumption. However, instant coffee decaf may not give you the same boost or protection as regular instant coffee. You should also be aware of the decaffeination method used in your instant coffee decaf, as some methods may use chemicals that can affect the quality and safety of your product.

Instant coffee brands

There are many instant coffee brands available in the market, each with its own features and benefits. Some of the most popular and reputable instant coffee brands are:

Here is an instant coffee from Vietnam I found earlier.

An example of instant coffee and sugar foam

One of the most popular and trendy ways to enjoy instant coffee is to make whipped coffee or dalgona coffee. This is a type of coffee that has a thick and creamy foam made from instant coffee and sugar, which is then spooned over milk or water.

To make a whipped coffee or a dalgona coffee, you will need:

Here are the steps to make whipped coffee or dalgona coffee:

You can also customize your whipped coffee or dalgona coffee by adding different flavors or toppings, such as vanilla, chocolate, caramel, cinnamon, nutmeg, or cocoa powder.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about instant coffee:

Is instant coffee real coffee?

Yes, instant coffee is real coffee. It is made from brewed coffee that has been dried into a powder or granules that can be easily rehydrated. Instant coffee contains the same ingredients as regular coffee, such as caffeine and antioxidants.

Is instant coffee the same as ground coffee?

No, instant coffee is not the same as ground coffee. Ground coffee is roasted coffee beans that have been ground into different sizes depending on the brewing method. Ground coffee needs to be steeped in hot water or forced under pressure to extract the flavor and caffeine from the beans. Instant coffee is brewed coffee that has been dried into a powder or granules that can be easily dissolved in hot water or milk.

Can instant coffee go bad?

Yes, instant coffee can go bad if it is not stored properly. Instant coffee can lose its flavor and aroma over time due to exposure to air, moisture, heat, or light. Instant coffee can also become contaminated by bacteria or mold if it comes into contact with water or other substances.
To prevent instant coffee from going bad, you should store it in an airtight container in a cool and dark place. You should also avoid using wet spoons or cups to scoop or measure your instant
coffee. You should also check the expiration date of your instant coffee and use it before it expires.

Can instant coffee be used in a coffee maker?

No, instant coffee cannot be used in a coffee maker. Coffee makers are designed to brew ground coffee, not instant coffee. If you try to use instant coffee in a coffee maker, you may end up with a watery and bitter brew, or damage your coffee maker.
If you want to use instant coffee, you only need to add hot water or milk to it and stir. You do not need any special equipment or filters to make instant coffee.

Does instant coffee have caffeine?

Yes, instant coffee has caffeine. Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is found in coffee beans and other plants. Caffeine can have various effects on your body and mind, such as increasing your alertness, energy, mood, and metabolism.
However, instant coffee may have less caffeine than regular coffee, depending on the type and amount of coffee used. According to the USDA, one teaspoon of instant coffee contains about 31 mg of caffeine, while one cup of brewed coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine. However, this can vary depending on how much instant coffee or water you use to make your cup.

How much instant coffee per cup?

The amount of instant coffee per cup depends on your personal preference and taste. There is no fixed rule or standard for how much instant coffee to use. However, a general guideline is to use one teaspoon of instant coffee per cup of water or milk. You can adjust the amount according to your desired strength and flavor.
You can also use a measuring spoon or a scale to measure the exact amount of instant coffee you use. This can help you achieve a consistent and optimal taste every time you make your instant coffee.


Instant coffee is a convenient and popular way to enjoy a cup of coffee without the hassle of brewing. It has a long and interesting history and science behind it, as well as various advantages and disadvantages over regular coffee. Instant coffee also comes in many different brands and flavors that can suit your preferences and moods.

I hope this article has given you some useful information and insights on instant coffee. Whether you are a fan or a skeptic of instant coffee, I encourage you to try it out and see for yourself how it tastes and feels. I must say I have found several good ones on the market and there are occasions it is very convenient.

Happy sipping!

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