to Coffee-Finders

Good Coffee For Everyone!

I Love Coffee

On coffee finders, I look into coffee plants, like showed at the image and coffee, grain, coffee bean. Do you love coffee too, then follow me. I love coffee so much. So let us find the perfect coffee together.

Do you think the best sound is the coffee brewing in the morning?


And we have made a super cool COFFEE PERSONALITY QUIZ!!

Why do I love coffee? Oh, there are several reasons.

Yes, I just love coffee, and all my friends know it. Just to mention one reason, the whole experience connected to drinking coffee is awesome:

  • from the smell when you squeeze the bag in the shop to try to get a whiff of the smell to
  • when you open it at home and that strong aromatic scent hits you smack in the face to
  • smelling it when it’s brewing, and then finally… that long-awaited moment…
  • taking that first sip of the delicious beverage I consider to be liquid gold!

Who wouldn’t want to be a part of such an exciting experience!?

If you’re like me and just love coffee, you won’t be able to walk by a new brand of good-looking coffee in the shop without buying it, even if you already have several opened bags at home! (Please comment below so I know I’m not alone.)

It doesn’t matter the time of the day or the temperature outside. But of course, the sound of the coffee brewing in the morning… is enough to make my day.  When all other sounds seem irritating when you just wake up, this one sound will soothe my soul.

Yes, I do use the machine quite a bit.  And I know there are other, better ways to brew coffee to get a better taste profile (and we’ll get back to that later)… but that sound!

For the love of coffee – the sound of coffee brewing in the morning!

Feel free to browse my website and check out the fun facts in my coffee blog!

Smell - what you do before you brew coffee.

Is there any greater smell than a handful of freshly roasted coffee beans?  I think not.

You can just smell, smell, smell… I love it! Then it’s only one thing to do next. Brew coffee!

Smell: “to detect or become aware of as if by the sense of smell” -Merriam-webster

What a nice way to define the verb to smell. You certainly become aware that coffee is being made, through the sense of smell, when someone is brewing coffee.  And here, where I am at the moment, the smell of coffee permeates the air as the local coffee producers regularly roast their coffee.

I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning, midday, afternoon…, basically at any time and on any occasion!

Smelling newly opened bag of coffee. Why? Course I love coffee!

I love coffee so much that I will help you to find new coffee, and enjoy your cup too!

What is this "I love coffee finders" site?

No, I am not a café, nor do I sell coffee. I just love coffee.  I love good coffee.  And now I like to write about it as well as help others to find it.

I know there are many out there who love exceptional coffee like me, and there are also some cafeterias named after our common pleasure.  So there are many options to choose from.

Not Finders Coffee

Nope, this is not a misspelling of Finders Coffee. The aim of the Coffee-Finders site is to narrow those options to the really good quality ones we (I, and you my readers) have tried and enjoyed.  I love coffee; you my readers love coffee too; and we are coffee-finders because we love to share our experiences when we find good coffee.  

Thus, the purpose of the ‘I love coffee finders’ site.

A Little Facts About World Coffee Consumption

According to the numbers I found, you can read them under, 2021/22 was projected at 176 million bags.’

So, if one bag contains 60Kg of coffee, think about multiplying that by 176 million bags… that would = ….  Well, you can do the math, but essentially it means we drink lots of coffee.  The coffee industry is a big business. I have updated some numbers on this in this post what countries drink the most coffee per capita?

To break down the consumption by categories:
  • According to the National Coffee Association, the most popular types of coffee drinks in the U.S. in 2023 were cappuccino, latte, cold brew, espresso, mocha, macchiato, americano, and flat white.
  • The global coffee consumption in 2021/22 was estimated at nearly 176 million 60kg bags, with the U.S., Brazil, Germany, Japan, and Indonesia being the top five consuming countries.
  • The global coffee production in 2021/22 was projected at 168.5 million 60kg bags, with Brazil, Vietnam, Colombia, Indonesia, and Ethiopia being the top five producing countries.
  • The average prices for Arabica and Robusta coffee worldwide in 2024 were expected to be 3.86 and 2.51 U.S. dollars per kg, respectively. Here is an interesting article of mine on the topic: Wholesale Coffee Beans Prices History.
  • The global revenue of Starbucks, the leading coffee company in the world, reached 32.7 billion U.S. dollars in 2022.

Not to mention all the good coffee from the Caribbean.


I love coffee finders Pinterest pin that shows coffee details in a heart shape

Why You Should Drink More exceptional Coffee

Enough facts.  Everyone around me knows I love coffee. I don't only love my coffee for the energy it gives... it's the whole thing. Sharing it, the health benefits, everything.  But that's me.  So, why should you drink more coffee?

There's no denying that drinking coffee has become an essential part of our daily lives, from the morning coffee to the afternoon brew. It's not just a drink anymore; it's a lifestyle choice. What is it that makes it so delicious, and a thing to crave several times a day?

Here are a few reasons:

  • If you’re looking for ways to feel energized and take on the day after you wake up, grab some coffee.
  • There are many health benefits to be derived from extraordinary coffee!  [Check out my post about coffee fun facts here]
  •  If you are particular about the taste of things, coffee is great because there is something for almost everyone. Whether you prefer espresso, cappuccino, latte, or mocha, there’s a cup for almost every taste.

Here I will share some tips on how to wake up in the morning and feel like a million bucks. I will also share information about where coffee originates from, how it grows, and where to buy it. And I will get into how to roast it, grind it, and brew it.

You can buy coffee at the local shop; but if you are looking for something extraordinary for a special occasion, let Coffee-Finders help you.  There are fantastic online options that are easy to order, and are delivered right to your door.  Here are some good coffee flavors to try

Check out the video under!

“Brew Love Coffee”

Check this out!

Are you looking for exceptional coffee too?

Let’s dive in to learn about special coffee!

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