Barista Warrior Salted Coffee Review: A Unique and Delicious Brew

If you are looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy your coffee, you might want to try Barista Warrior’s salted coffee. This is a whole-bean coffee that is roasted with pink Himalayan salt, creating a smooth and balanced flavor that is unlike anything you have tasted before.

In this Barista Warrior Salted Coffee review, I will share my experience with this coffee and why I think it is worth a try.

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What is Salted Coffee?

You might have found this Barista Warrior Salted Coffee review if you were looking into the brand or if you have an interest in the mix of salt in your coffee in general.

Anyway, I will get into both in this article:

Salted coffee history

Salted coffee is a coffee that is roasted with salt, which enhances the natural sweetness and aroma of the beans.

Salt also reduces the bitterness and acidity of the coffee, making it more smooth and drinkable. Salted coffee is not a new invention, as it has been enjoyed in some parts of the world for centuries.

For example, in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, people add salt to their coffee to complement the rich and complex flavors of their beans.

In Turkey, salt is added to the coffee grounds before brewing to create a strong and robust brew.

And in some Asian countries, salted coffee is served with condensed milk for a sweet and creamy treat.

Barista Warrior Salted Coffee Review: The Details

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Barista Warrior’s salted coffee is inspired by these traditions but with a modern twist. They use organic, fair trade, specialty-grade coffee beans that are roasted with pink Himalayan salt, which is known for its purity and mineral content.

The result is a coffee that has a unique and delicious flavor, with hints of caramel, chocolate, and nuts. You can buy it here.

How to Brew Salted Coffee?

You can brew salted coffee using any method you prefer, such as drip, French press, pour-over, or espresso. However, I recommend using a medium-fine grind and a lower water temperature (around 195 F) to avoid over-extracting the coffee and losing its delicate flavors.

You can also adjust the ratio of coffee to water according to your taste, but I suggest starting with a standard 1:16 ratio (one gram of coffee for every 16 grams of water).

I find brewing Barista Warrior’s salted coffee using a pour-over method as a great option. Yes, this is my preferred way to make coffee. You can use a Barista Warrior kettle and a reusable filter, which I think are great products that enhance the quality and taste of the coffee.

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Follow the instructions on the bag and measure 20 grams of coffee and 320 grams of water. Pre-wet the filter and rinse it with hot water, then add the coffee grounds and pour some water to let them bloom for 30 seconds. Then pour the rest of the water in a circular motion, making sure to wet all the grounds evenly. The total brew time is only about 3 minutes.

How Does Salted Coffee Taste?

The first thing you will notice about Barista Warrior’s salted coffee is the aroma. It is very fragrant and inviting, with notes of caramel, chocolate, and nuts. The coffee has a beautiful brown color and a nice crema on top.

Barista Warrior Salted Coffee Review pin:, showing a coffee cup surrounded with pastry and chocolate

You should taste the coffee black, like I always do, without adding any sugar or milk, to appreciate its natural flavor.

The coffee is very smooth and balanced, with a medium body and a low acidity. It got a sweet and salty taste, but not in an overpowering way. The salt enhances the sweetness of the coffee, but also adds a subtle savory dimension that makes it more complex and interesting. The coffee has a rich and satisfying aftertaste, with a hint of saltiness that lingers on the tongue.

The Barista Warrior’s salted coffee is a nice refreshing and delicious change from my usual coffee. It is smooth and easy to drink, but also has a distinctive and memorable flavor.

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I think it would pair well with some pastries or chocolate, or even some cheese or nuts. It would also make a great base for some creative coffee drinks, such as salted caramel lattes or mochas.

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Conclusion – Barista Warrior Salted Coffee Review

Barista Warrior’s salted coffee is a unique and delicious coffee that I highly recommend to anyone who loves coffee and wants to try something new. It is a coffee that is roasted with pink Himalayan salt, which enhances the natural sweetness and aroma of the beans, and reduces the bitterness and acidity.

It has a smooth and balanced flavor, with hints of caramel, chocolate, and nuts, and a sweet and salty taste that is unlike anything you have tasted before. You can brew it using any method you prefer, but I suggest using a pour-over method with a medium-fine grind and a lower water temperature.

If you are interested in trying Barista Warrior’s salted coffee, you can order it from their website here. They also sell some equipment on Amazon.

They offer a 12 oz bag of whole beans, which you can grind yourself for the freshest and best flavor. They also offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, so if you are not happy with their coffee, you can get a full refund or a replacement.

I hope you enjoyed this Barista Warrior Salted Coffee Review and found it helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. And if you have tried Barista Warrior’s salted coffee, please share your thoughts and opinions with me and other readers. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for reading and happy brewing! ☕

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