Explore coffee

Image Gallery Where I Explore Coffee

  • Examinig the plants
  • Coffee plants under the trees
  • Pulp from coffee
  • Coffee and Celaque, Coffee from Honduras

Start to explore coffee here:

Here I will try to collect different coffee experiences that don’t fit under the coffee blog or to split the information up in more easy categories. Have a look to explore even more coffee ideas.

The differences in coffee can be many and varied… from where it grows, the surroundings on the farm, the roasting process, and the brewing method. Let’s explore coffee together!

Coffee is a big industry, in which more and more people are seeking to share their special brew. What is your favorite bean or way to brew it? Let me know in the comments section below.

Coffee can be found in various parts of the world. It takes an explorer to find the best of the best.

Explore coffee by taste

  1. Like to learn about Specialty coffee?
  2. Inspiration for different types of coffee flavors

Explore coffee by Region

Tools to get the best out of your coffee

Let me be your official coffee explorer

Trust me, you will like to up your coffee game

So, one thing is where it’s from. Another thing how you brew it. And of course how you store it. I experienced several times, having several bags of coffee bags opened at the same time. If you then go back to an older bag, it is simply not the same anymore.

Another resource I made for, well, you and me, is the How To Find The Best Coffee Products And Reviews For Your Taste. Here I am listing coffee producers and brands and different machines to brew and prepare the coffee. Have a look at it and explore coffee like I do.

We’re celebrating Nation Coffee Day all week long with 20% Off!

There is a day for everything, right!

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